Box collections ends May 19.
Boxes will be distributed to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services (IFC) and Orange Congregations in Mission (OCIM).
Based on an unforgettable experience in the life of Jesus – the feeding of the 5,000 – this food drive encourages us to give our own small contribution of food and see it multiplied into greater usefulness. Each box of food is designed to provide emergency food for a family of four for two days.
There are many ways to be a part of Project 5000. If you prefer to fill traditional Project 5000 boxes, click here for the 2024 food list! You may pick up boxes and food lists at the church on Sundays and from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Mondays – Thursdays. Boxes or doubled paper grocery bags (so they do not rip) may be returned to the church and placed in the Sanctuary. Substitutions are fine!
To donate money, visit IFC or OCIM to donate directly, or write them a check. Make sure to let these organizations know that you are a part of the University UMC church family. A donation of $40 is equal to filling a box. You may also click here to donate through University UMC.
Any other questions? Email Pastor Lindsay.
Thank you for your support of this important ministry!