College Students
Wesley Campus Ministry at UNC is a place where students come together each week to worship, fellowship and grow in their faith.
Wesley has many wonderful things going on each week including worship with communion on Sundays at 7:00 p.m. in the University UMC Chapel and dinner on Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. in the University UMC Fellowship Hall.
In addition, Wesley offers opportunities to form community through small groups and retreats, to serve God by serving others through mission trips and local service projects, and to grow in faith alongside other students. To learn more, visit and for current updates visit Wesley’s Facebook page.
Contact: Reverend Ryan Spurrier
Spiritual Formation and Fellowship
Young Adult/Graduate Student LIFE Group: Meets for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study on Wednesday nights, 6:30 p.m. in the University UMC Parlor on the Ground Floor. Meeting location subject to change due to special events such as cookouts and participation in community events. Please check out the University UMC Chapel Hill Young Adults page on Facebook or contact Kaitlyn Brown to confirm location.
Adopt-a-Student Program: University UMC is beginning its second year of the Adopt-a-Student Program to connect members of the church and UNC students. It is a supportive program by which church members can walk alongside students during their college journeys.
The program pairs University UMC members with interested college students (undergrad or grad) for a year. We ask that members commit to meeting with their student a minimum of three times a year, which could include coffee, dinner, family activities, or sitting with the student during church services.
University UMC church members and students who are interested or would like more information or an application, please contact the Higher Education Committee or call the church office at 919-929-7191.
Service and Outreach
Communiversity: An after-school program run by Sonja Haynes Stone Center and UNC student volunteers, providing cultural literacy enrichment, academic enhancement, and mentor relationships for K-5 students in Chapel Hill-Carrboro. Contact: Christopher Wallace.
Musical Empowerment: A student-run organization that enriches the musical education of low-income children from Chapel Hill-Carrboro community by providing free, private music lessons taught by UNC undergraduates. Contact here.
Youth Ministry: Our sixth through twelfth grade youth love connecting with college students! We meet for Sunday School, 9:50-10:45 a.m., and Sunday evenings, 5:00-6:45 p.m., for “U-Crew” which includes a meal, games, and small groups or a program. To learn how you can help, contact: Rev. Charlie Baber (919-929-7191). Help serve with our youth ministry!
Worship and Music Ministry
Worship Leadership: College students are invited to serve in Sunday morning worship and special services as a lector (scripture reader), communion server, usher, altar guild, sound booth operator/videographer and more. Contact: Rev. Justin Coleman.
Chancel Choir: Rehearsals Thursdays, 7:15-8:45 p.m.; sing weekly during worship services, primarily at the 11:00 a.m. service. Contact Tim Baker.
Covenant Handbells: Rehearsals Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 p.m.; ring about once a month at University UMC and occasionally at area retirement centers. Music reading skills required. Contact Tim Baker.
Instrumentalists: If you play an instrument and would like to contribute your talents to a Sunday morning worship, please contact Tim Baker.