February 14: Ash Wednesday Worship, 7 p.m. Worship at University UMC
Lenten Studies & Book: The sermon series during Lent will center around the book, Questions Jesus Asked, by Magrey R. DeVega. This book explores what explores six provocative questions Jesus posed, and guides us in answering them for ourselves. Both the Pastor’s Bible Study and Lindsay’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study will be covering this book during Lent. Visit universityumc.church for more information.
Habitat for Humanity: University UMC is striving to raise roughly $17,000 during Lent to help sponsor the new community center at Habitat for Humanity’s Weavers Grove housing development. This amount wil go towards our three year goal of $50,000.
Holy Week: March 24 – March 31
Look for more information about Holy Week, coming soon!